Earth Cycles, Reincarnation 'Trap', Heaven/Hell and More with the Subconscious Mind
26.08.2023 Live #1 QHHT Conversation Transcript
As the collective consciousness awakens and vibrational frequencies rise, TikTok has emerged as an unexpected platform for profound, thought-provoking conversations that challenge the boundaries of our understanding.
Here, we invite wisdom/truth seekers to participate in or witness a LIVE QHHT session (Collective Readings) – an intriguing practice facilitated by Dennis and me, allowing individuals to connect with the subconscious collective, often referred to as the 'SC.'
In these captivating live sessions, no topic is off-limits. We boldly venture into the uncharted territories of human curiosity, asking questions that span a wide spectrum – from the mysteries of natural disasters to the intricacies of reincarnation. These live readings give us a glimpse into the boundless wisdom that resides within each and every one of us.
*Please note that the transcript has been edited only slightly, primarily to correct grammar and spelling for enhanced readability and understanding. Our objective is to maintain the transcripts with minimal distortion and manipulation of the original text. Here are the corrected transcripts as follows:
A: Do I have permission to ask questions?
Sc: Yes.
A: As you know, we are conducting a live reading today. How many questions would it be possible for the collective to ask today?
Sc: Max 20 Questions.
A: Would you like to start by telling us a little bit about what is going on in the collective right now with all of these natural disasters?
At the time of this session, we were witnessing many natural disasters, such as the earthquake in Turkey and the fires in Hawaii, among others.
Sc: It's Earth Cycles; It's absolutely normal in the evolution of the Earth to go through cycles like these.
A: Now is there any truth about the fact that these fires (The Hawaii Fires) are man-made?
Sc: Yes.
A: So, what do you mean by all these disasters are natural if some of them are being provoked or man-made? Can you explain a little bit about that?
Sc: This is also natural.
A: So, you consider that also part of the cycle?
Sc: Yes.
A: Is there a message that we can give the collective to help them with the fear that is rising through all of these natural cycles?
Sc: You shouldn't be afraid. Fear is very limiting. Just not be afraid.
Raising Vibration
A: Another question I have prepared for you (SC) today is some of our viewers are wondering how they could raise their vibration at this time. Can you help us with some tips or ways that we can raise our vibration?
Sc: This is very personal for each individual. Some tips may be, to do no harm or less harm. Don't use violence. Don't consume violence, don't consume destruction. If you focus on what you want and what is right, that will help.
Social Media and Disclosure
A: What about all of this disclosure that's happening on TikTok? Is it beneficial for the collective to watch those things, to know about those things that happen, or would it be best to avoid them and not consume those things?
Sc: It depends. You have to know- You have to see in order to make a change. You have to accept, forgive, evolve. It's no use to be focused on it.
A: Is there any benefit coming from social media?
Sc: Yes.
A: Is it a little like a double-edged sword then? How can we think of social media? Does It only take us further away from nature?
Sc: There is a place, but not as it is today. It's too much fear-mongering. Too much propaganda like a news channel.
A: So, most things we see on social media are false?
Sc: Most things everywhere you see are false.
A: Hmm, Is this part of the "Agenda" to just confuse as much as possible?
Sc: Yes.
A: Now last time we had some people wondering about what they call-what we call "The Reincarnation trap".
The "reincarnation trap" is a concept in some spiritual and conspiracy theories suggesting that souls are repeatedly reincarnated into the physical world, often against their will, to keep them bound to a cycle of suffering and learning. This idea posits that a higher controlling force (Archons) or system prevents souls from escaping the cycle of reincarnation and achieving true spiritual liberation.
A: I think it would be beneficial for the collective to hear it from you (SC). How do you feel about the fact that some people say that reincarnation is a trap? What can we understand about that?
Sc: Reincarnation is natural; It's a part of life. It can be a trap just like everything else but with this mindset, you will be stuck in a loop forever. It's free choice, everything is free choice.
A: Okay, so the choice to reincarnate would fall under that? That we are choosing to reincarnate or not for example?
Sc: It's not that easy, but it also is.
A: So, it's a very complicated topic?
Sc: No, humans make it complicated.
A: Why do we make it complicated?
Sc: They seem to like it, the struggle.
A: That's true, and if we do not reincarnate where are some places that we go?
Sc: Some like to call it Heaven, others like to call it hell. It's just perception.
End of the world "Prophecies"
A: Some people seem to think that this civilization will come to an end or there has been a lot of speculation that we are living through " The end of the world". How can we explain to the collective the cycle that we are undergoing now so that it doesn't cause those fears?
Sc: You should never be afraid, there is no fear ever. It does not exist. It's a concept in the mind, programming. Why should you fear something that doesn't exist? Why should you fear if you can reincarnate? There is no ending, no beginning. Everything will always be, cycles are part of this. It's always everything and nothing.
A: Thank you for explaining that.
Cutting Bonds in Future Incarnations
A: Now somebody today would like to know if you can cut bonds with people in future incarnations. Is that a possibility?
Sc: Yes.
A: Can you explain a little bit more about that?
Sc: It's about the way they act. You could consciously make a decision, to create another outcome. You will always get what you ask for. Sometimes this is called 'karma,' and many think there is no "escape". That's not the right word. You justwait in line at a certain point in time, and you will get what you asked for. You can change this if you ask for it, this is how you can change the future.
The following topic/inquiry was brought forward by a viewer/soul during a LIVE session. Topics regarding how the SC might "feel over" are generally too broad; however, the SC was willing to speak and share a little on the subject.
Religion and The Bible
A: How do you feel about Christianity? Should you live like the Bible says? Are those teachings correct?
Sc: Again it depends, on what you comprehend. What are the lessons of this Bible? What are these lessons you will live your life by? Setting an example for things you call good or things you call bad. This Bible has many lessons you can live by, many very contradicting ones.
A: What are the contradicting ones? Can you share that with us today?
Sc: In the same book they speak about harming nothing, and also killing, creating war in the name of imagination.
A: That is true. It does contradict itself a lot.
This brings us back to the overarching message we consistently emphasize: the Bible, like many religious texts, harbors profound truths and teachings. However, the Bible's true depth remains elusive to those who do not possess the higher knowledge necessary to decode its intricate codex. Until one acquires this understanding, the Bible may seem no more than a collection of simple stories and metaphors.
The True Meaning of Love
A: ( Viewer) would like to know what is the real meaning of 'Love'?
Sc: To love.
A: Can you share something more, or is it just that simple? ( Long Pause) What does it mean to love?
Sc: To be Free. To have ultimate compassion. To admire something without claiming it. To have something without calling it yours. To share. To be happy. Care. Love is one of the only vibrations that actually does exist. A lot of these things are distortions from love. Love is ever-present, always is.
A: Another question from the collective is (viewer) if Astrology is actually a real thing that affects us?
Sc: Very Much so.
A: What can you share with the collective that doesn't seem to believe that astrology is real? How can we help them understand what Astrology is?
Sc: It's very hard to believe something doesn't exist if you cannot see it. It's the same for religion, it's very hard these days,to truly believe. To truly surrender. If you truly believe that something is a certain way, don't be surprised to find it like that.
A: Does this go back to what they say, that our beliefs shape our reality?
Sc: Very much so, yes.
Strengthening your Intuition (Suggested by Viewer)
A: How can one strengthen the connection with their intuition?
Sc: Act on it. Listen to it, and ACT on it. This is so simple, but your 'imaginary friend' fear is closing the door.
A: Imaginary friend huh?
I had to laugh.
Sc: Something else humans love.
Heaven and Hell
A: What do you have to say about those who say hell and heaven are not the same place? How can we help them understand that?
Sc: They all come from within. Everything in its core is exactly the same. Everything always is and isn't. There is always a hell if you choose to live in it. There is always a heaven if you choose to live in it. Do you see the beauty or do you see the filth and darkness? The corruption, the perversion or do you see hope? Do you see compassion? Do you see unity instead of separation? On which one do you act? Which one will you give your attention to? Which one will you make strong? which one will you make weak? Which one will you call your truth and the other you're delusion?
Collective Improvement
A: As Humanity, what are certain things that we could all be collectively doing to just do better? What could we work on as a collective at this time?
Sc: Yourself. Stop trying to please others, stop trying to fit in, stop trying to be afraid of outside sources, and influences. You could all do much better if you stopped being so afraid of what other people might think of you. This obsession is straight insanity. Everyone's always just thinking about themselves. Nobody really cares about what you do. Knowing this should give you a lot of power to pursue your dreams and make those imagination, a reality.
Clearing the Chakras
A: Is there a way that we can clear our chakras or unblock them effectively? How could we do that?
Sc: By allowing yourself to do so, by believing you can. To be in nature. Let the elements stroke your body. Let the molecules enter your soul. Stop hiding, let yourself be in the open, and embrace.
A: Beautiful, Thank you. Would today be the appropriate day to receive the chant to help us balance and ground? Is there a chant to help us with that?
Sc: It's all in the mind, it all starts within. With yourself, there's not going to be one sound or vibration that is going toinfluence everything, it doesn't work like that. Each individual is there to do their individual work, as a whole, as one. That doesn't mean that everything is the same, that means that everybody is a little piece of the bigger, the greater plan.
Light Language
A: Speaking about chants and things like that- light language, is it true what they say to be cautious of what light language you are receiving?
Sc: Just like any other language, yes. Did you invent it? What are you saying? Do you know what your words really mean? Are you again afraid of something that's unknown and so-called... I (Looker) cannot disclose this with you.
While it doesn't happen frequently, there are instances when the SC may choose to introduce blockages or withhold further information to prevent conflicts or disruptions of free will. In such situations, it's advisable to respect their decision and refrain from pushing for more insights. The SC has also clarified that they work together with the lookersand switch to using 'I' rather than expressing as 'we', to more freely express themselves. However, sometimes a looker is willing to speak on topics using their own free will and opinion, which the SC may decide is not appropriate.
A good example to understand their 'rankings', although they do not see it this way, is to think of the Subconscious (SC) as the referee and the lookers as players. It's important to listen very closely to how they are expressing themselves to catch the very, very subtle differences."
Message from the Subconscious
A: Is there a message you all would like to give the souls that are connected with us today now that you are here, is there a specific message to relay?
Sc: The fact that you are listening to this, that you are interested in this, is a step in the right direction. Even if you're doubtful, even if you don't believe. We are proud, we see and we feel each and every one of you. You are never alone, even when you want to be. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine. The time is now. Use your imagination not as a weapon for self-destruction. If you want to make "imaginary friends", at least pick the right ones.
A: What are some "right" imaginary friends so to speak?
Sc: What do the voices in your head tell you? How do you feel about it? Do you want to act on it immediately and feel good? Are you in doubt? Do you think they're should be another way? This doesn't feel good. It's very simple. If you are honest with yourself, just look at what you're doing, and see how it makes others feel. Do you think you are doing good or not? Do you think you're helping? Do you think it's necessary? A lot of unnecessary things these days, so many unnecessary things.
Conducting Live Sessions Via TT
A: Would it be supported to continue to open containers like this, with the collective? To allow them to witness what we do here? Is that something that you all would support us doing?
SC: Yes.
Closing Statements
A: Is there anything you would all like to share before I close this session?
Sc: We would like to shed light on the fact that this is not new. This way of communication. The First form of communication, after thoughts. We are always in your mind, we always speak inside all of you. Some call us intuition forexample. This is nothing to be afraid of, if you would know the true history of your people, you will find out that this has been done many times, by many. All of your history claims work like this to be work of darkness; Many times try to destroy knowledge. Such a pity thing to do.
A: That's true... So this idea of making contact.... hmmm how can I say it... Humanity is obsessed with making contact, but what you are sharing is that you already have contact with us every single day through thoughts.
Sc: Yes.
A: Okay just wanted to clarify that for the collective.
Sc: Instead of thinking "I'm crazy", you can also think, let's try it and see what's happened, you might be surprised what an outcome your life is gonna get.
A: Thank you, now I'm asking the subconscious to recede to where it belongs. Thank you all for your help and information. I would also like to thank those who joined our live session today. Hopefully, we'll see you in the next one!
Listen to the session below:
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Chanting Wisdom
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